What does UX/UI mean in web design?

The term UX has changed the way we perceive the design of products and services. UX is the acronym for User Experience and UI is the abbreviation used for User Interface.

UX is about designing something simple to use. So simple that users don’t even realize the ease of use of the product. So simple that all they have to do is open the app, product website, or packaging and start enjoying the new experience without an instruction manual or other questions.

UI is how your digital company can create real emotions between the products and services you offer and the user. UI complements UX through style. It is a balance between the rational and the emotional, a sublime combination of creativity and technology. Both are essential in creating a successful product.

Your project design reflects how your audience interacts with your brand through your website.


of users will abandon the site on the first interaction of essential information is not easy to find.


among users stated that a good interaction with the website is very important.


among smartphone users will not abandon the site if it is not optimized for mobile.


Did you know that only 15% of all websites are properly optimized and configured based on UX and UI design?